2024–2029 Our five-year strategy

One housing system · Part of the solution · Renting as a choice


Ensuring relationships thrive

Keeping members connected via digital touch points and face-to-face communications is vital in building our community. Future investment in digital communications, Landlord Focus magazine, member meetings, training and conferences are a priority in our future plans.

Building on our stakeholder relationships is key in sharing and disseminating information to help inform an ever-changing political environment and meet the needs of landlords and tenants. We will enhance our reputation as being the go-to resourceful, authoritative and trusted organisation.

As an integral part of the UK housing system we will continue to work closely in strategic partnership with industry bodies to ensure policy exchange and sharing of resources across geographical and political landscapes.

We will also build upon the existing SAL and LAS brands to enhance our membership experience.

Giving voice to landlords and letting agents is at the core of SAL’s work as we strive to provide meaningful connections both inside and outside our organisation with others interested in who we are and what we do.

Developing strategic partnerships are essential in creating enduring relationships that provide networks and platforms for our members to collaborate, learn and be heard.

The objectives below demonstrate how these priorities will be incorporated in our strategic planning. Performance indictors will be measured and monitored on a regular basis.



  • Build upon our existing relationships with sector stakeholders
  • Support and encourage collaboration between other industry bodies
  • Maintain position as the leading authority in our sector
  • Continue to invest in our public relations strategy


  • Develop the SAL brand as authoritative and trustworthy
  • Continue to promote SAL as an approachable and influential resource

Couldn’t do without SAL and it’s great value for money

Andy White

1 For Homes, SAL letting agent member, Glasgow

As a new business, SAL has been instrumental in helping us in a number of ways – particularly the legal advice line for assisting us with our mandates and documentation.

Alex Thompson

Lawson & Thompson Ltd, SAL letting agent member

Scottish Letting Day – 19 Nov. Early bird tickets on sale now for a limited period
Book discounted tickets now