Resumption of tribunal cases

Due to coronavirus, the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing & Property Chamber) has not been conducting any hearings or case management discussions (CMDs) since 19 March. As lockdown arrangements are now beginning to ease, work has started in re-scheduling postponed CMDs. These will commence from 9th July onwards by teleconference.

Consideration has been given as to whether hearings may be conducted using video conference facilities. However, it is not possible for the Scottish Courts & Tribunals Service to support this at present for cases within the Housing and Property Chamber. Therefore it has been decided that teleconference hearings should be arranged for all cases which are able to be taken forward.

Options for the resumption of oral hearings are under consideration but are likely to take longer because of the safety risks associated with face to face proceedings. Property inspections (e.g. for repairing standard cases) are not currently being undertaken due to safety concerns.

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