Landlords sought for energy efficiency research
Landlords sought for interview on energy efficiency in the private rented sector
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is currently undertaking research into energy efficiency in the private rented sector (PRS) and would like to invite SAL members to take part in a structured interview (discussion) conducted by their energy policy team.
CAS says:
The Scottish Government is considering introducing minimum standards of energy efficiency in the PRS to help Scotland reach its carbon reduction targets. This interview will provide an opportunity for you to share your experience of energy efficiency in the PRS ahead of potential regulation.
Your input is very valuable and will help us learn more about what barriers landlords face and what support would be most useful to you.
In particular, we are interested in learning more about:
- What barriers/opportunities to better engagement and improved standards of energy efficiency currently exist in the PRS?
- What support would stakeholders in the PRS, including (but not limited to) landlords, letting agents, tenants, and their representative organisations find most useful?
- What messaging works best for you? How would you like new regulations or support to be communicated to you?
The interview should not take more than half an hour. If you are interested in participating in an interview, please let us know by contacting our team at and letting us know if you would like to participate by phone or digitally through an app like Zoom.
If you are not comfortable participating in this research but know someone who might be interested, please share this information with them. If you would feel more comfortable completing an online survey about this information, please follow this link.