Extension to rent cap/eviction moratorium announced

The Scottish Government has advised SAL that, subject to the approval of parliament, it will extend the provisions of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 to 31 March 2024. This is the legislation which introduced a cap of 3% on most rent increases and a delay of 6 months on the enforcement of most eviction orders granted by the tribunal. This is the final extension permitted by the 2022 Act. There are no plans to change the current rent cap of 3% or the rent increase amount that can be achieved through application to the rent officer of 6%.

A statement of reasons setting out why the Scottish Government believes it is necessary and proportionate to extend the measures to 31 March 2024 can be found here.

SAL has mounted a legal challenge to the 2022 Act and we are expecting a decision from the Court of Session on the outcome of the court case within the next few weeks. Further information on the legal challenge can be read here.

Further information on the rent cap/eviction moratorium can be read in our factsheet here.

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