In conversation with John Blackwood and Dr Catherine Pemble – future-proofing your properties

Date and time

18 January 2024, 11:30am – 12:30pm


Online event

Future-proofing your property: A blueprint for age inclusive and accessible homes

Have you ever been curious about future-proofing your properties, or wondered how you could support older renters to make your house their perfect home? The changing dynamics of the rental market means a growing number of older renters are seeking stylish and welcoming homes that support them in making the most of their later years.

Join us for an insightful session with Dr. Catherine Pemble from the Designing Homes for Healthy Cognitive Ageing (DesHCA) project, and learn more about how you could future-proof your properties by making subtle, thoughtful changes that boost accessibility for older tenants and promote inclusivity for everyone.


This SAL online meeting is free of charge to SAL members as part of our package of membership benefits.

Letting agent members – please note that in conversation with and local branch meetings may be recognised by the Scottish Government as “informal” CPD. There is information about letting agent CPD in our factsheet here. Should we be able to help further with any guidance on CPD, please ask us for an advice call back.

Bookings for this event have now been closed.  If you have an urgent request to book a place and attend this meeting, please call the SAL office on 0131 564 0100 to arrange this over the phone.

Scottish Letting Day – 19 Nov. Early bird tickets on sale now for a limited period
Book discounted tickets now