Do you have a legionnaires’ risk assessment?

As we reported earlier in 2019, landlords applying for or renewing their landlord registration from 16 September 2019 have been required as part of the application to confirm that they comply with all relevant legislation pertaining to their let property. Local authorities are finding that many landlords seem to be unaware of their duties with Aberdeen City Council reporting that around 40% of all registration applications received have been put on hold because applicants have ticked “no” or “not applicable” to obligations that are required.

In particular many landlords seem to be unaware that they should have carried out a legionnaires’ risk assessment on their rental property. This is a requirement regardless of the plumbing system in the property and is needed even if there are no water storage tanks. There is comprehensive guidance on this requirement on the SAL website including a legionnaires risk assessment template which can be found here, (members please remember to log in to download documents).

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