Changes to the Repairing Standard
All landlords have a legal obligation to ensure their property meets the Repairing Standard at the start of a tenancy and at all times during a tenancy. From 1 March next year (2024) the Repairing Standard is being changed to add the following requirements:-
- water pipes must be free of lead (where this cannot be ascertained water testing must be carried out to check for the presence of lead piping)
- electrical installations must be protected by a residual current device (RCD)
- properties must have a fixed space heating system (a permanent installation in the property which is plumbed or hard wired and capable of maintaining a temperature of 21⁰C in at least one room and 18⁰C elsewhere, when the outside temperature is minus 1⁰C.)
- installations for fuels other than gas and electricity to be in a reasonable state of repair and in proper working order
- any common parts pertaining to the property must be able to be accessed and used safely
- the property must have satisfactory provision for, and safe access to, a food storage area and food preparation space
- where the property is in a tenement, common doors must be secure and fitted with satisfactory emergency exit locks and a secure entry system
The government has now published revised guidance on all aspects of the Repairing Standard including the new elements which are set out above. The revised guidance can be found here. All members should familiarise themselves with the updated guidance and ensure that their properties comply with the new standards in advance of 1 March 2024.