Changes to model tenancy agreement and guidance notes

The Scottish Government has made minor changes to its model private residential tenancy (PRT), to reflect the ending of the rent cap and eviction moratorium on 31 March 2024, and to reflect changes to the Repairing Standard which came into force on 1 March 2024.

The changes are highlighted in yellow in the lease template which you can download here.

Anyone with a version of the model PRT saved should ensure that they update their document to reflect these changes. There is no requirement to issue details of the change to current tenants or provide current tenants with a new PRT lease.

Changes have also been made to the guidance notes which must be issued with a tenancy agreement. Links to the new versions can be found below:

Easy read notes (for use with the government’s model lease)

Statutory terms notes (to be issued if not using the government’s model lease)

Guidance on setting up a new tenancy agreement can be found here.

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