Changes to model lease, rent arrears & notice templates

With the notice periods required to end a tenancy reverting to pre-covid levels on 31 March 2022, the Scottish Government has made changes to its model private residential tenancy (PRT) and other documents, to reflect these changes.

The changes to the model lease are highlighted in the lease template here. Members remember to log in to download documents – just let us know if you need any help to log in.

Anyone with a version of the model PRT saved should ensure that they update their documents to reflect these changes. There is no requirement to issue details of the changes to current tenants or provide current tenants with a new PRT lease. The new shorter notice periods apply to all PRT tenancies, regardless of what notice durations are set out in the lease.

Updates have also been made to the guidance notes which accompany the PRT and the latest versions can be accessed via our factsheet on the PRT regime.

Further changes have been made to the pre-action templates for tenants in rent arrears, the AT6 and the Notice to Leave. Latest versions can be found by clicking on the links below:

Pre-action templates

AT6 notice

Notice to Leave

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