Are you registered with the ICO?

In order to comply with data protection legislation most landlords and letting agents should be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO). Registration can be done online here and in most cases costs £40 per year. You can check whether you need to register using the ICO’s self assessment tool here.

The ICO have started to enforce this requirement by sending letters to those they believe are not registered. However, we are also aware that some fraudulent letters have been sent out by scammers with incorrect weblinks so members should be alert to this and ensure that they don’t try to register on any sites other than

Landlords and letting agents have other duties under data protection legislation and SAL has a suite of resources to help members comply with these including factsheets and templates. For a summary of the requirements see our data protection factsheet online for landlords and letting agents, (members please remember to log in so that you can download documents).

Do you need individual help and advice on complying with all GDPR requirements?  Please join SAL  to access documents and advice and ensure you are sent all the new and updated information directly to your inbox. Please show your support by adding your voice to our campaigns as a member.

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