Amendments to GDPR templates

SAL has recently arranged for the Information Commissioner’s Office, the body that oversees and enforces the UK’s data protection legislation, to review our data protection resources. As a result of this, we have made changes to the following documents online, (members please remember to log in to access our documents).

Landlord resources: 

Appendix 1 – Model Privacy Policy

Appendix 3 – Model Fair Processing Notice

Letting agent resources:

Appendix 1 – Model Privacy Policy

Appendix 3 – Model Fair Processing Notice (Customers)

Appendix 4 – Model Fair Processing Notice (Employees)

Any members who have adapted our templates for their own use and would like to see details of the changes made, can email us to request a copy of the documents with the changes highlighted. There is no need to reissue updated documents to those you’ve previously provided the old versions of these templates to.

Not yet a member?  Please join SAL  to access documents and advice and ensure you are sent all the new and updated information directly to your inbox. Please show your support by adding your voice to our campaigns as a member.

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