About us
The Scottish Association of Landlords is the largest and only dedicated national organisation that represents landlords and letting agents throughout Scotland.
We support and represent our members’ interests through providing resources and assistance as well as delivering lobbying and campaigning work. Letting agents are directly represented by our Council of Letting Agents policy group.
Whatever scale you operate on, from those renting out a single property to managers of the largest agency portfolios, we can help you.
- Our Policy & Parliamentary Affairs department has been campaigning at the heart of the Scottish Parliament since our incorporation and has had numerous campaigning successes.
- SAL links with Scottish local authorities centrally and via our local branch structure. We actively campaign at local and national level on behalf of our member landlords and agents.
- SAL online member meetings are the opportunity for members to come together online, to learn from each other’s experience, hear from external speakers and feed into SAL local and national policy and plans.
- Our unique training programme is delivered via sister organisation Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) which offers a variety of useful modules in their Core Information, Best Practice, Legal Update and LETWELL programmes. Bespoke training is also available. SAL members benefit from discounts on all training courses.
- Members can access factsheets and documents including all documentation for creating tenancies. Documents can be downloaded and adapted to your own needs and are complemented by unlimited use of our free members’ advice helpline.
- Our five-year strategy sets out our vision, mission, purpose and values along with three strategic themes of Connect, Unite and Strengthen.