Advice line top queries: ending a tenancy
The SAL advice team receive over 300 queries each week on a wide range of topics. The most common advice topic is how to end a tenancy, with just over a third of all enquiries to the helpline requiring assistance with this. Advice is often sought on how to give notice to end a tenancy and how to apply to the housing tribunal for an eviction if the tenant doesn’t leave during the notice period. Guidance on this can be found in SAL’s online resources as follows:
How to give notice – see SAL’s factsheet on serving notice to end tenancy
How to apply to the tribunal for an eviction order – see SAL’s tribunal eviction application guide
Other guidance on ending a tenancy includes:
Procedures to follow before/after the tenant vacates – see SAL’s factsheet on end of tenancy procedures
Dealing with deposit returns – see SAL’s factsheet on deposits
If you need guidance on ending a tenancy and find that your query isn’t covered in the above resources, you can contact the advice team by phone on 0131 5640100 or by email at