Confused about letting out private residential property in Scotland?

Is anyone confused about all the stages in preparing and letting out private residential property in Scotland?

We hear from confused people every day, and from people who are pretty sure they know what to do but just want to check with SAL that they are correct. As Scotland’s largest membership organisation for landlords, we even hear from people who have found themselves about to let a property they haven’t been able to sell for instance, and say they have no clue. They quickly find that they have come to the right place as SAL can offer them advice, free training and access to all the help they need to get it right.

It’s no surprise that people find tenancies confusing. There is a lot to think about in letting, it has changed hugely in recent years and even those who set up tenancies daily, often have a few questions along the way. Googling often adds to the sense of confusion i.e. is what’s online even applicable in Scotland? Landlords who have one or two properties which have been let out for a long time may go years without the need to set up a new tenancy. When it comes time, they find that the new Private Residential Tenancy is totally different to the old Short Assured Tenancy and they’re not sure where to start.

Thankfully we are able to assist with all these questions. SAL members are no longer confused after they have a call with our specialist advisers. With our advice, they tend to find they have the confidence to set up the tenancy and work positively with their tenants, secure in the knowledge they are getting it right. We always end our calls by saying – call back if you have any more questions and that’s always fine.

Getting it right from the start is the best way to avoid problems later. Every day we help our members to set up good tenancies, saving them time and money and most importantly giving them the peace of mind that things have been done correctly.

SAL advisers can talk members through the process over the phone. This service is inclusive in the membership fee and is used weekly by hundreds of good landlords who want to get it right.

Our members also have access to a newly updated landlord checklist with a flow chart to guide them through every stage and handy weblinks to all the downloads and forms that may be needed.

Please contact us today if you’d like to join SAL and have access to the checklist, plus unlimited advice and everything you need for letting in Scotland.

If you’re already one of our members, it’s time to download your updated checklist and see what’s changed. We look forward to hearing from you, confused or not.